
University Life-

消失三个月,终于回来了 (Hi)

从 心 开 始

当然第一件要被记录下来的是 大学生涯:


其实常常可以看见 | 比较
如果硬要拿以前的生活来 比较
说实话 我暂时还是喜欢以前的生活





OLE group

(First activity I participated in my UNI life.)

The first activity I had participated called Orientation. It was an activity held by 19th Intima for all the new students. The purpose of this activity was getting to know each others. This was the first gang peep that I know in my UNIVERSITY. Each group was lead by three friendly facilitators. The members came from different courses. Hi, UNICORN members~ :D

the O'Lady group

(Second event I participated)

The second activity that I had participated was Midnight Madness Dash 2.0. For sure, this activity began at 12 a.m. and ended around 3 a.m. This was the first time I slept LATELY. Many interesting games was carried out and need high cooperation to complete it. Of course the day after I felt like the whole body wasn't mine (LOL)

Taking selfie before the activity started.

The best partner ever

KaeWay, YuWen, YY

Run, Run, Run!

Taking photo with 18th Intima's President

Taking selfie after mission completed. 
WenXin, Yuwen, YY

30-hours DIY Famine Camp - Group 4

(Third activity I participated)

The most memorable activity I had participated in my UNI life. The activity named Inti IU 30-hour DIY Famine Camp. At the beginning, I never expected so much fun from this camp but how lucky I met the people like them. Some of them came from Port Dickson and Ipoh and most of them was younger than me (T_T) At first, I though all of us will be shy and quiet. (WHO KNOW) the most 'bising' group was group 4. Thank you for let me know what's called TEAM SPIRIT.

Besides, a very big thanks for your accompany although we were not in the same group. I hope that we can join more activities together in the future. Always remember, I'm with you. ;p

Our custom : Shoe's photo

Friendly MC - In love with her voice.

First semester was over, second semester has started.
Hope to share new things ASAP.

Stay tune ;p

* Sorry for my broken English * 

